The Quiet Rebellion

People want to combat the exhaustion of modern living

The Philips 2019 Global Sleep Study found that 8 in 10 adults worldwide want to improve the quality of their sleep

There was a time that lack of sleep was something to brag about. Staying out late, partying, then making it into work the next day was a badge to be worn with pride.

However, as people become more aware of the health repercussions of sleep deprivation and the stress and anxiety it induces, we’re seeing a cultural shift to valuing the importance of sleep and rest.

Some early indicators of this shift include:

Soothing Sleep Buds

BOSE noise-masking sleep buds are designed for better sleep, using pre-loaded, soothing sounds to cover up unwanted noises and urban noise pollution.

Gravity Blankets

Weighted Gravity Blankets, which emulate the sensation of being hugged or embraced, help soothe anxiety and stress to create a restful night’s sleep by making the user feel protected.

Quiet Concerts

To transport listeners into a higher state of mindfulness and enjoyment, concerts like Igor Levit’s performance of Bach encourage the audience to wear sound canceling headphones and sit in silence for half an hour before the concert begins.

Expect a rising resistance to the inundation of noise in daily life.

There will be silent protests as a means of making a political point and increasing praise of introversion over extroversion.

Brands that imaginatively and meaningfully fuel this Quiet Rebellion will add real value and win tomorrow.

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